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Refreshing and invigorating start of your day

I perform this morning ritual daily to support my body and  to assist my health. Interested?

The whole process might sound a bit strict at the beginning. But after a few repetitions it becomes a joy. It is important that you perform it in the morning after getting up, with an empty stomach. You can make a shortcut and do only parts of the routine. You will feel what is good for you. If you have a medical problem, ask your doctor first.

You need:
Coconut oil or another oil of your choice. My husband for example prefers sesame oil.
Linseed oil
Cedar oil
A glass of  warm water
One half of a lemon
Zeolite powder

This is how the ritual works:
Immediately after getting up I take a teaspoon of coconut oil in my mouth.  I leave the oil in my mouth for about 5 minutes without swallowing it. Make sure that you find an oil that tastes pleasant. After about 5 minutes, I spit the oil, which is now mixed with saliva, in a piece of household paper and then dispose it in the household waste.

About 10-20 minutes later, I pour linseed oil on a tablespoon and swallow it.

Next, after a pause of 10 to 20 minutes, comes a teaspoon of cedar nut oil. I swallow this oil too.

I warm up a glass of water and add the juice of a fresh squeezed half of a lemon to it. I drink it after another pause of 10 to 20 minutes.

Finally, I add a teaspoon of Zeolith powder to a glass of 100ml water, stir well and drink this after a waiting period of 10 to 20 minutes.

Good to know:
The method of oil pulling has its roots in Ayurvedic medicine. There, the tongue is considered to be the extension of the gastrointestinal tract and the mouth is seen as an important center of well-being. Toxins, harmful bacteria and slag are thus removed from the mucous membrane and spit out with the oil. Above all, this method is supposed to make the immune system more defensive and improve the metabolism. Important: After use, spit the oil into a piece of household paper and dispose it in the waste. The excreted toxins and bacteria should not get into the water cycle.

Linseed oil is rich in natural omega-3 fatty acids. Our body can not produce this fat itselve and it is rare in our regular food. We need to somehow add the omega-3s. One option is linseed oil. It is obtained from the seed of flax (= flaxseed). These essential fatty acids have beneficial effects on our cardiovascular system, brain function, joints, vision and skin. When I purchase it I make sure that the product is of high quality and organic. Cool storage is important and it should be kept in dark bottles. In addition, I often use flax seed to increase my omega-3 fats requirement.

Cedar nut oil is made from cedar nuts. It is said to be good for improving the consistency of the blood, preventing anemia and helping to maintain high work performance. It is rich in magnesium, vitamins A, B, E and F and also contains potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc and iron. I also recommend eating cedar seeds.

The lemon is rich on vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system, protects the joints, detoxifies and refreshes the breath. Interestingly the lemon tastes sour, but it is alkaline. The sour-tasting fruit acids are quickly broken down in the body to carbon dioxide and water and left the alkaline minerals of the lemon. Be careful: the acid contained in the lemon attacks the tooth enamel. Rinse your mouth after drinking and wait a while before brushing your teeth.

The name Zeolite is made up of the two Greek words “zeo”, which  means  “I am boiling” and the word “lithos”, which means “stone” together. It is a boiled stone that was created millions of years ago, when glowing lava earth fell into the sea during volcanic eruptions and caused the water to boil. There are over 40 different Zeolite structures. I use the Clinoptilolite Zeolite. It is intended to strengthen the immune system, support the absorption of minerals, detoxify, decantine and vitalize. Most of the research was done by Russian scientists. Zeolite can only develop its many good properties if you drink it regularly. Pay attention to the fact that Zeolite is designated as a medical product. Always take Zeolite separate. If you have a medical problem, ask your doctor before taking it. Liability on our part is excluded.

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