ENT (Ears Nose and Throat)
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Onion compress for colds and coughs

If you notice a cold, cough or even flu, try this old recipe of onion compress.

It is easy to prepare with simple ingredients that are available in most households.

You need:
1 large raw onion
Cutting board and knife
cotton cloth
woollen cloth
hot-water bottle or cooking pot
household paper

Cut the onion into small pieces and give it on a piece of household paper. Wrap the pieces of onion with the paper. Match the size of the packet with the space you want to place the compress on. Fill a hot-water bottle with hot water, place the compress on top and cover it with a lid. It is essential to place a piece of baking paper between the hot-water bottle and the onion wrap. Otherwise your hot-water bottle will always smell like onions! After approx. 10 minutes the compress is warm enough. Alternatively, you can bring water to the boil in a saucepan, put the lid back on it up side down and place the onion compress on top to heat it up.

You put the warmed up onion package in a cotton cloth and place it on the area you want to be treated (ear, neck, chest). Finally, the area is wrapped with a woollen cloth (scarf). This way, the heat can be retained. Apply it for at least 20 minutes or as long you fell comfortable.

Good to know:
The onion with its melodious name Allium cepa is an all-rounder. Already our ancestors knew about this fact. It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and expectorant effect.

The sulphur-containing ingredients (allicin, sulfonyldisulfide and propanthial oxide) give the secretion-dissolving effect, but are also responsible for the intensive taste.

The onion also contains essential oils, which are said to have antibiotic properties.

The fumes of the wrap also open the mucous membranes of the nose.

Be careful:
The onion compress should only be used for children from 6 months up.

If you have an allergy to the onion, do not use this recipe.

If there is no improvement after 2-3 days, see your doctor.

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