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Chestnut Tincture

Fall ist the season to harvest chestnuts. I find the fruits during my walks and my daughter likes to collect them too. Once I had enough chestnuts at home I thougt about what to do with them. Then the idea of ​​producing this valuable tincture came to my mind.

Horse chestnuts, as they are called are not edible for humans, however they have been used as a medicinal plant for over 300 years as natural medicine. They contain dehydrating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances which strengthen the whole vascular system. This tincture helps to cure joints and muscle pain, rheumatic discomfort and varicose veins. Once you have the chestnuts, the tincture is easy to produce.

You need:
Horse chestnuts (quantity according to your project)
Apple-vinegar (for those who prefer a tincture free of alcohol) or vodka
a Vitamix machine or a sharp knife

The horse chestnuts are minced in the mixer or chopped with a good knife. I prefer to do the chopping with my Vitamix machine. The mixer can be cleaned easily. The crushed chestnuts are filled into a glass with a screw top. Afterwards you add apple-cider or vodka until the mass is well covered. Then you place the glass for about 3 weeks on a windowsill.

After the three weeks of soaking you put a fine cloth over a bowl and pour the mass. The chestnut pieces remain in the cloth and the finished tincture is in the bowl. Use a funnel to fill the tincture into a bottle. I keep the tincture in my bathroom cabinet, because it should be kept in the dark.

The tincture can be applied directly to the affected area and massaging. I use it mostly for treating joint pain after sports activities.

This tincture supports blood circulation, relieves pain and strengthens the veins.

Whether you use vodka or vinegar for the production, is up to you. It should not alter the quality of the tincture. I take whatever I have at home. Recently, I make the tincture without alcoholic liquids since our minor daughter uses it too.

If you have a medical problem, talk to your doctor before use.

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